Nutrition Education

Nutrition Centre Learning Series

Nutrition Centre Learning Series



Fibre Matters: Online Training Course

British Nutrition Foundation

On average, fibre intake across all ages is low despite the strong evidence of the health benefits of fibre. That’s why Tate & Lyle has supported the British Nutrition Foundation in the development of new resources designed to help food, nutrition, science and health professionals better understand the important role of fibre in our diet. 

The course aims to:

  • Explain the science behind the different types of dietary fibre
  • Describe current intakes of fibre and the different foods that provide fibre in the diet
  • Describe the health benefits of a fibre-rich diet
  • Understand the regulatory context for the communication of health benefits of fibre

The course has been developed by nutrition scientists at the British Nutrition Foundation to help provide an understanding of the importance of fibre in the diet.

More information about the British Nutrition Foundation and information and resources on nutrition and health can be found at

Fibre Matters module 1







This module will help you understand:

  • What dietary fibre is, including how it is defined, classified and measured.
  • The properties of different fibre types.
  • What functional fibres are.
Fibre Matters module 2








This module will help you understand:

  • The place of fibre in healthier dietary patterns and dietary guidelines.
  • Food sources of dietary fibre.
  • Dietary recommendations for fibre.
  • The challenges of meeting current recommendations and tips to increase fibre intake.
Fibre matters 3







This module will help you understand the role of fibre in:

  • Digestive health.
  • Reducing risk of heart disease, type-2 diabetes, and obesity.
  • The gut microbiome
Fibre Matters module 4





This module will help you understand:

  • The regulatory context for fibre in food information for consumers, including:
    • Nutrition and Health claims.
    • Fibre in food labels.
    • Fibre in nutrient profiling.

What have you learned? Test your knowledge here!

Fibre Matters quiz



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