CORNGOLD® Corn Gluten Feed

**The Primary Products business (bulk sweeteners, acidulants, industrial starches, personal care, co-products, ethanol) has been rebranded as Primient from 1 March 2022. It remains wholly owned by Tate & Lyle until the agreed sale of a controlling interest to KPS has closed. This is expected to happen beginning of April 2022. Read the full details of the sale here >

CORNGOLD® Corn Gluten Feed
Also known as
Animal feed

CORNGOLD® Corn Gluten Feed is a palatable, economic source of energy, protein, organic acid, vitamins and minerals. CORNGOLD® is a valuable ingredient used in ruminant feed, sow diets, layer feeds and in dog food.  

CORNGOLD® is available as a dry loose meal, pellets or moist feed. 

CORNGOLD® Corn Gluten Feed is available in:
2 Regions
  • North America
  • Europe, Middle East and Africa
CORNGOLD® Corn Gluten Applications

CORNGOLD® Corn Gluten Feed is a cost-effective, flexible alternative to grain and compound feed for ruminants. Moist CORNGOLD® can be used in place of high quality corn silage. The natural presence of fibre, proteins and starch helps to improve fermentation within the rumen.

CORNGOLD® Corn Gluten Feed contains glucogenic and aminogenic nutrients, essential for high yields of good quality milk. Glucogenic nutrients are converted into lactose, while aminogenic nutrients contribute to the formation of milk proteins.

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Dietary fibre is a necessary component of pig feed, supporting the naturally occurring healthy bacteria inside a pig’s intestine.

CORNGOLD® Corn Gluten Feed provides natural corn fibre, alongside the energy, protein, starch, vitamins and minerals essential for any pig’s or sow’s diet.

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Corn is a standard ingredient in most poultry feeds. CORNGOLD® Corn Gluten Feed is a cost-effective way to supplement poultry feed with fibre, starch and protein, while maintaining a high-quality, corn-based feed.

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A nutrient-rich, raw material, CORNGOLD® Corn Gluten Feed is used as a fibre component of dog food. Its light and creamy colour is ideal for use in dog food pellets.

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Inclusion levels in feed (%)

Animal type CORNGOLD (moist) % in feed CORNGOLD (dry) % in feed
Ruminants 10-40 5-15
Calves 10-20 1-5
Pigs/sows 5-20 1-2
Piglets 5-10 -
Poultry Broiler 2-10 -
Poultry Layer 5-10 -
Aquaculture 0-5 -
Pets 5-20 -
Mink 0-10 -