伦敦,2025年3月05日报道 – Tate & Lyle(为健康食品和饮料提供配料解决方案的全球领先企业)和 Creme Global(专业数据分析公司)的研究人员合作开展的一项新研究揭示了在中国消费者日常选购的食品中强化膳食纤维含量可以显著促进公共健康。
这项研究是中国首项该类型研究,现已发表在经同行评议的、医学期刊BMJ Open上,研究表明在食品和饮料中强化膳食纤维,如调制乳、烘培食品、方便食品、酱料等,有助于提高成人和儿童的膳食纤维摄入量,显著降低罹患糖尿病和心血管疾病 (CVD)的风险。
- 模型预测结果显示,成人和儿童达到推荐膳食纤维摄入量的比例分别提升48%(从6.85%上升至10.13%)和54%(从14.22%上升至21.84%)根据中国营养学会的建议,中国成年人的膳食纤维摄入量应该保持在25到30克每天[1]。此外,根据一个更广泛的使用的儿童膳食纤维摄入计算公式:“年龄(岁) + 5g/天”的推荐量,例如3岁儿童建议摄入8g纤维 [2] 。
- 对公共健康的影响:该研究强调了加工食品配方改良在解决膳食组成缺陷和改善公共健康状况方面可以发挥的关键作用。该研究表明,通过在日常食品中强化膳食纤维,可以显着增加中国不同年龄段和不同特征人群的膳食纤维摄入量。
泰莱公司营养研究负责人、该模型研究的共同作者Davide Risso博士评论道:“我们对这项研究的结果感到兴奋,它凸显了膳食纤维强化在改善中国公共健康状况方面的潜力。提高成人和儿童的膳食纤维摄入量,可以显著降低Ⅱ型糖尿病和心血管疾病等慢性疾病的患病风险。这项研究为食品饮料生产商和公共健康相关部门提供了一种适用于实际情况的方法--优先考虑在加工食品中强化膳食纤维可视为提升营养状况和长期改善公共健康的有效策略。研究结果强调,我们迫切需要采取行动来减少膳食纤维实际摄入量和推荐量之间的差距,支持更健康的生活状态。”
该研究基于中国居民健康与膳食组成调研的数据[3],采用模型拟合方法。研究人员选择296种商业化生产的食品和饮料进行膳食纤维强化 [4],并利用模型拟合推算提高膳食纤维摄入量的潜在益处。
Creme Global公司的食品与营养负责人Sandrine Pigat评论道:“采用Creme Global的数学模型及健康状况评估算法,对中国居民膳食摄入量数据进行整合分析,我们可以评估膳食纤维强化方案的影响,以及随之而来的对中国居民糖尿病和心血管健康的影响效果。这项研究展示了在国家层面上整合各种数据源并对健康影响进行模型推定的效果,可以为未来的公共健康决策及其影响提供信息。”
如果您需要获取有关如何强化膳食纤维的更多信息,请访问: tateandlyle.com/guthealth
* “Modelling the public health benefits of fibre fortification in the Chinese population through food reformulation”.
Notes to Editors
[1] Chinese Nutrition Society. Chinese dietary reference intakes. 2013.
[2] Williams CL, Bollella M, Wynder EL. A new recommendation for dietary fibre in childhood. Pediatrics 1995;96:985–8.
[3] China Health and Nutrition Survey (CHNS. Carolina Population Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and the National Institute of Nutrition and Food Safety at the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention. 2011.
[4] Food and beverages included in the study bakery products including but not limited to bread, rolls, breakfast cereals, cakes and biscuits; convenience fast food products; flavoured dairy and non-dairy products such as milk, milk powders, yoghurts and ice cream; sauces and dressings which would be considered low in fibre including fermented sauces, pastes and curds; legume products; while excluding 100% fruit and vegetable juices, nectars, juice drinks and soft drinks; foods which would be considered a traditional commodity such as milk, grains or cheese; coffee, tea and infusions; sugar confectionery; canned soups and powdered soups and sauces to be reconstituted; and composite dishes (foods containing several ingredients).
Tate & Lyle’s “Modelling the public health benefits of fibre fortification in the Chinese population through food reformulation” looked at what consumers currently eat and drink using the China Health and Nutrition Survey. A statistical modelling scenario was applied to see how food that had been reformulated and fortified with additional fibre changed consumer’s diet and health. The only change made to the nutritional composition of the products was the addition of fibre. Commercially manufactured foods and beverages eligible for fibre fortification were identified and a total of 296 food and beverages were selected for fibre fortification calculation. Foods and beverages eligible for fibre fortification and the concentration of fibre used at intervention were identified based on Chinese legislations and regulations of nutrition label claims.
Click here for Tate & Lyle’s previous UK fibre modelling with Creme Global https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34991735/
For media enquiries, please contact:
Anna Taylor-Elphick, Snr Manager, Global Corporate PR, Tate & Lyle PLC
anna.taylor-elphick@tateandlyle.com, +44(0)7766 361 515
Lorraine Crowley
Food Data Scientist at Creme Global
Phone: +353 1 677 0071